Monday, November 12, 2007

Hideous Chud

There are times when confirmation of ones thoughts are a comfort. Other times you take a step back and say AW FUCK! I brought the engine home from my buddies place for two reasons. One: sitting next to one of his five Harleys it started to mark it's territory and leak on his garage floor. Two: I wanted to be able to work on it as I please, and not have to go to his house to do so. So I bought a pair of sawhorses and set the frame upon them. I then set the motor into the frame and placed a catch pan under the transmission drain. I suspected a healthy amount of shit to drain out, I was shocked to see much worse. Out came a quart of water followed by a few tablespoons of sludge that was once a petroleum product. Off comes the kicker and outer tranny cover and out comes more tar. CRAAAAP. So now I am already prepared for the worst and pull the engine drain. Two more quarts of water and some milky chud. It was still dripping black ooze when I walked away in disgust twenty minutes later.

I knew I would have to tear the engine down and go through it. I 'm not dumb enough to put my stamp upon the unknown and call it good enough. I believed the seller when he told me it only had a few hundred miles since it was "rebuilt" then parked. I was glad to see it was not seized up upon purchase, but now I wonder how much rust lives inside the cases.

I suspected there would be some issues, I just hope there aren't and beached Carp now that the water is gone.

1 comment:

Big Daddy said...

well It cranked no heavy rust.....the cyls are the only crictical rust points,,,{all the rest will be replaced..bearings rings etc.} I know a guy who has cyls for that motor....ohh wait that's me. so I geuss no problems we can't overcome. Big Daddy